
Hedonistic definition
Hedonistic definition

Since the colonial period in the eighteenth century, organized criminal groups indulged in and/or provided illegal goods and services, especially those of a hedonistic nature. This paper also argues that organized criminal groups historically are the chief providers of hedonistic cultural services including, but not limited to sex, gambling, and narcotics. Other criminal groups such as prison gangs and motorcycle gangs follow a similar pattern. Other criminal groups are united solely by their ethnicity whether they are Irish, Jewish, African-American, Cuban, Chinese or Russian.

hedonistic definition

Catholicism is the only allowed religion. Families (i.e., the Mafia), for example, is composed only of men who are of Italian and Sicilian descent.

hedonistic definition

This paper argues that American organized crime is composed of atavistic cultural groups who organize themselves according to an antiquated social structure emphasizing ethnicity.

Hedonistic definition